COVID-19 and back to work technology
With the rush to get in a position where businesses can re-open, it is really important for owners to consider just how practical and useful the current batch of technology solutions being proposed are, especially when some come at a high price.
Fever Detection
Based on the analysis of people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the UK, 70% were experiencing no symptoms at all on the day they were tested. Of the remaining 30%, not all had a high temperature. This is important to understand when considering investing in Fever Detection equipment. In other words based on those stats for every 10 people with the virus who enter your premises it is likely you will only detect 1 or 2 via a high-temperature detection. Also, body temperature can vary depending on when it’s taken – lower in the morning and higher in late afternoon and evening. Most people consider 98.6 F (37C) normal, however up to 99F (37.2C) is still considered normal.
Here are a number of reasons why temperature can be raised.
- Any type of Virus
- Bacterial Infection
- Heat exhaustion
- Inflammatory conditions, like arthritis
- Malignant tumor
- Medications, such as antibiotics
- Some immunizations, for example, treatment of diphtheria or tetanus
Social Distancing
There are a few products on the market which can provide real time indoor 2 metre social distancing warnings. These work either using a smartphone or wearing a smart tag and a reader infrastructure. In the case of using phones, accuracy and reliability are challenges as proven by the delays in release of the HSE approved app, along with potential privacy issues. Where smart tags can be used, this is done by automating movement and location tracking defined by a reader infrastructure. A 2 metre zone is created around the tag, if a tag enters within the zone of another tag, it triggers either a buzzer or light from the tag. These are expensive systems to install, and if as seems likely the 2 metre Distancing becomes 1 metre or less of reducing practical benefit.
People Counting
This can be done through cameras positioned at entrances and exits, or within specified internal zones, with a real time display showing how many people are currently inside, how many are allowed in or not as the case maybe. These solutions mostly work through Thermal Imaging, are relatively low cost and tend to be accurate and useful. People Counting can also be used to identify tailgating in an access control situation.
Contact Tracing
Similar to the social distancing technology options above except from an historical point of view. In case of outdoor tracking, smartphone and most likely using Google or Apple proprietary software will be the only option to achieve some kind of accuracy. This will be provided either as a free app from the HSE, or as part of a paid service.
Indoors there are more options available, but the 2 metre accuracy remains a difficulty. Much easier to achieve is if someone has entered the same room, or specific area as other people. So who, when and where automatically recorded. All of the different RTLS technologies will provide this. UHF Passive RFID the only one which does not require a battery driven tag or device.